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Does your child/teen need a good plan to ensure academic, social and emotional success?


In collaboration with you and your child, school staff and related services, I can help create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and/or Positive and Strength Based Behavior/Action Plan (handleplan in Danish). In addition, assess the progress and ensure needed modifications leads to academic improvement, a love for learning, a healthy social life and personal wellbeing. 

 1 Hour (60 min)

 450-650 dkk


Do you ever feel lost in translation (culturally, legally or language wise) in important meetings (ex. related to educational, physical/mental health or work performance)? 


l can help facilitate understanding, ensure rights and responsibilities, advocate and guide you based on your goals and needs. I can also join the meeting in the role of a witness, observer or to listen, take notes/summary or recordings and help you reflect and decide on next best steps after the meeting. 

​1 Hour (60 min)

450 - 650 dkk

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