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1 Hour  (60 min)

650 dkk

Parenting can be a challenge and it is good to reach out for help when you need support. How to manage as a single parent, how to live in blended families, in multicultural families etc. What is the best way to handle parenting during a divorce/separation? When moving to another country? When trying to adjust to Danish culture and systems? When your child is having a tough time at school socially or academically or is trying to recover from traumatic events. How to get organized with daily life routines and have children contribute at home. Teaching empathy and conflict resolution skills. What children need to develop a healthy mind and body. How to deal with "melt downs" or or a picky eater. Appropriate expectations for children at a given developmental age.


Understanding your child's personality, unique needs and matching parenting styles. How to help your child manage challenging moods. How to talk to your teenager about issues such as intimacy, substances, loss, body image, career path, independent living etc. These are just examples of some of the parenting issues which you can get support and coaching for at Counseling & Culture. How to address concerns and successfully collaborate with caretakers, teachers and leadership at your child's nursery, kindergarten, school, HS or gov. offices/services.

Couples Counseling



1,5 Hour (90 min)

850 dkk


Here are examples of what you may need help with:

Frequent conflict and arguments: How and why do they arise? Preventing crisis and practicing conflict resolution skills.


Poor communication: How do you ensure your needs, boundaries and intentions are heard and understood? Understanding each other through various “love languages” and open-minded inquiry.


Emotionally distanced couples on the verge of separation: Exploring what is needed to re-connect and prevent future disconnect.


Multicultural, international or religious/belief system issues which have an effect on your relationship. Exploring and resolving internal partnership issues and how to engage and cope with external issues (society, systems, workplace, extended family/friends challenges).


"Are we a good match"? Exploring similarities and differences through personality and traits assessments, interests and values clarification as well as what strength/challenges this may present going forward.


Couples life design: How to plan and co-create your future together. What are your priorities and what will it look like, as well as how to handle possible challenges ahead (Vision Board).


Specific problems such as sexual difficulties, infidelity, money, domestic violence (physical or psychological abuse), sickness/health, parenting, co-parenting/blended families.

Individual Counseling 



1 Hour (60 min)

650 dkk


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